The code looks OK to me.
You could try disabling the interrupts for now and polling the 6522 for the interrupt flag instead, it's fairly easy to do - just disable the interrupt flag rather than enabling it:
lda #%01000000 ; Disable timer 1 interrupt
sta IER
and then in your loop, while waiting for the count to reach 10, also check whether the interrupt is due and manually do what would have been done in the ISR:
lda #%01000000
bit IFR
beq nointerrupt
bit T1CL ; Clear interrupt flag
... rest of loop as before
All I did was paste the guts of your ISR into the loop, and made it skip over it if the T1 interrupt flag is not set yet. So this code uses the 6522 in exactly the same way as your existing code, it's just the CPU side is driven by polling rather than a hardware interrupt. If this works, then it looks like there is an issue with your interrupts in the hardware (as we've kind of already discussed in the other thread)