Thanks to all of you for your incredibly nice and in depth responses
. I apologize for my unclear initial post, I shouldn't have mentioned any specifics (Like banking) as that just shows how confused I was and might have confused some readers.
Whilst your explanation did clarify this, seeing the scope of this, I believe I must find a different platform.
The 65 series is something I could sink a lot of time into because they are beautiful pieces of hardware and technology, but I think progressing my project is paramount.
As for the reason for creating this post in the first place, if any of you knows a similar component, that has easier memory interfacing I would love to hear about it!!!
I have looked into the Zilog eZ80, but that thing consumes a ton of power according to the data sheet.
I also looked at the 68000 but the versions that do still exist of it aren't really going to be produced much longer and it also seems to consume much more power than for example the 816.
Modern Microcontrollers often totally fit my bill, but they have no memory interface so that makes them worthless to this project
Some PIC32's are perfect, but I have found that the PIC32mx which seems like the best choice (Because of it's memory interface, I need at least 16MB of RAM, not just flash) however it's process is smaller than other PIC's and it's reliability and fit data as supplied by Microchip is correspondingly worse than the rest.
See I know that most components on a board will last thousands of times shorter than an integrated circuit, but I don't have any of those components. This project aims to create extreme long time reliability far beyond that of most reliability goals.
I love the 6502 especially, that thing is amazing. I don't know too much about the design specifics of course but it just has this quality I don't know how to describe it. Perhaps it arises from my perceptions of reliability, low power consumption, history etc/
Too bad it can only address 64K
Thanks to all!