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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:06 am 
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A newish member is 15 years old, and obviously doesn't come across like others here who are anywhere from 40 to 70. Some things about being 15 (we were all there once) might be a bit irritating; but as more picture avatars come up and people mention their ages and personal work history more, it becomes clear that this field has very few young people in it, a fact which is probably not good for the future of our common interest. I'd like to see an increasing number of young people join. Sure there are a few using Arduinos and BASIC stamps, but what I see them doing with them on other forums is rather underwhelming. Young people today tend to expect a gizmo with lots of flash and instant gratification and which will be in the land fill in a year, and even for those whose patience hasn't been ruined by video games, the complexity of something like a smart phone just puts the idea of ever understanding it out of the question, and certainly not worth the investment in time for something that won't be around for long. Obviously then something that has less computing power but is understandable (e.g., 6502) will bring them more technical progress.

So how can we get more young people into it? Amateur radio clubs in high schools are gone. So are electronics classes. Electronics stores are now focused more on the instant-gratification cool-factor consumer electronics and less on the hobbyist who wants to make things. There's always Jameco, Mouser, DigiKey, and similar mail-order suppliers, but the young person may not be aware of them, or if he is, he may not have a credit or debit card (also meaning no PayPal account), or a checking account, so it's harder to buy from them, and then the shipping charges for a small order can be a problem too. A friend of mine who used to own a local electronics store with lots of parts, both new and surplus, saw his walk-in business gradually dry up over the years, so he moved the business to his house where he acts as a distributor for large quantity orders and has them drop-shipped so he doesn't have to stock much. The local community college quit teaching electronics, so those students quit coming in for parts. The ma-and-pa shop TV and stereo repair business dried up (who repairs anything anymore?) so the TV repairmen quit coming in for parts.

I don't particularly have any answers, but I was hoping to stir some discussion or at least some thought. I can comment on my own experience when I was a teenager and there were a few much more knowledgeable older people in my life. They were inspirational, and a little bit helpful, but still left me longing for more help. They were mostly too busy for me. There were probably more hobbyist magazines back then than there are today (because the internet didn't exist yet), and that was good; but they weren't free unless the public library had a subscription to the one(s) you wanted, and of course most of us had very little income when we were in high school. Today we have the internet, and people can publish their projects widely, free or nearly so, which is much better; but watching a teen-age nephew who's interested in this stuff, I can see there's still a need for someone to come alongside and give some needed hands-on attention and help.

http://WilsonMinesCo.com/ lots of 6502 resources
The "second front page" is http://wilsonminesco.com/links.html .
What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:57 pm 
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Perhaps we could post up a minimal 6502 system which can be breadboarded, with a list of parts and links to where to buy them. (Probably we could come up with more than one such design!)

There's a little bit of a bootstrapping problem, in needing something in ROM to get started - unless you design in a switch-style front panel to single-step your bootstrap in. We could help there by selling pre-programmed ROMs which contain a bootloader (for a particular interface at a particular address...)

A similar problem exists with FPGAs. enso's willingness to sell pre-programmed devices helps a lot there. I don't know if his present design has enough I/O for this idea, but you can imagine a pre-programmed FPGA-based board could expose a databus and some address pins and enable signals, if not a full address bus.

I think the thing is to consider what you'd do if you had absolutely nothing: the first thing you need is a shopping list, and we can help with that.

We need to ease up on all the second-order advice about how to build industrial-strength high-speed systems, I think. 1 MHz and breadboarded, mean time to failure at least 10 minutes.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:17 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:35 pm
Posts: 32
Hi Garth,

First time caller here - I've been lurking for a while and enjoy all of the great info you and others have posted.

I don't think young people today are really all that different than in years past. Humans have been running the same firmware for 10,000 years. I think the difference is that adults no longer encourage these kinds of things. Some are worried that little Johnny might burn himself with a soldering iron or that your neighbors will think you're a pedophile if there's teenage boys visiting your house. Most adults don't tinker any more - manufacturers have done a good job convincing us that making things is "hard" and there is little practical value in repairing things when replacement cheap imported goods are so readily available.

However, there are still those among us, old and young, who have "the knack". Here is something I was inspired to write about a friend of the family recently: http://fuzzythinking.com/these-kids-today/

As for myself, I was a Commodore kid in the 1980s - I learned how to program from the display models in K-Mart. Eventually my parents bought me one for Christmas. With their continued support I was able to grow this interest into a career as a software developer. One thing that also helped was joining a local computer club, where I could meet other kids & adults with the same interests and learn from them.

As far as solutions, maybe a good thing for us to do would be to volunteer with organizations that help kids - Boy Scout troops, school tutoring, etc. Most of the kids won't be interested in what we do, but a few will. Once you find them, spend lots of time with them just explaining what you do and answering simple questions. Also, direct them to books and sites like this where they can find more info. I learned a heck of a lot from random books Dad would bring home from IBM.

Maker Faires and Hamfests are also magnets for techie-kids.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:25 pm 
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Great story - and welcome. I'd read somewhere that the TI calculator being Z80 has led to some amount of homebrew programming. It can only be a good thing.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:30 pm 
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Justin wrote:
However, there are still those among us, old and young, who have "the knack".

Speaking of "the knack"... :D

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:03 pm 
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I have to say that I am deeply disappointed. I remember dreaming of a world where everyone has a computer. The world we live in is certainly not what I envisioned :cry: .

30 years ago having a computer was empowering and stimulating. Today giving a kid a computer pretty much guarantees 8 hours of gaming and idiotic online blabber. Not to mention the phones.

Being stuck into a big barn and feeding from a trough is hardly progress. Even things like Arduinos and MakerFaires and open source are a combination of awful self-promotion and corporate greed. What happened to free thinking?

It is hard to be hopeful, but I think it's important to explain to kids that spending time with a closed platform or a plastic box with a closed OS is not an answer to anything, just a way for someone to gain market share and make a lot of money by going public.

My son is joining a Lego Robotics team. Another weird closed platform (the damned controller is hundreds of dollars???), but it's something; I am hoping it will stir up some interest in doing strange things with computers.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. ...Jan van de Snepscheut

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:05 pm 
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Agree on pretty much everything said... getting kids interested in not a simple task, especially with all of the existing distractions already around them, which includes the internet. What I think is a bigger issue is one of cost. Just pricing out a handful of chips to make something useful quickly adds up. You can easily be in over $100 by time you get everything needed. Now add the tedious and error-prone task to breadboard it, then have some way to program an EEPROM and you've got an expensive project that has higher odds of failing than getting a newer smartphone.

Arduino is an option and has a lot of support, but it' boring in my view... And they look cheesy as does the overall dev setup. I think Zilog does a much more pro setup for one of their Z8 Encore dev kits which includes a pretty full dev/debug IDE and USB programming/debugging interface. However, it's also a micro controller single chip device, not something like a 6502 system.

Wish I had a better answer... Even my minimal system was expensive to put together using a PCB and socketed chips, but it's a safer build option should one manage to pop a chip while experimenting.

Regards, KM

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:24 pm 
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BigEd wrote:
Perhaps we could post up a minimal 6502 system which can be breadboarded, with a list of parts and links to where to buy them. (Probably we could come up with more than one such design!)

Seems as though we had discussed this approach some time back but (as is often the case) the discussion fell apart as everyone tossed in their two cents (or quid, euro, etc.) and the minimal 6502 machine started to resemble a PC.

The most problematic hardware part, I think, would be integrating a display and keyboard. My approach with POC is to use a serial terminal, which takes care of both display and input. However, I doubt the average newbie experimenter has a terminal laying around. A terminal emulator could be run on a PC, but that can be clumsy. A possible solution might be to integrate the SECONS µVGA device, which accepts a standard PS/2 keyboard and drives a standard VGA video monitor, both readily available and not too expensive. However, that will add a cost and complexity element that may be enough to discourage someone from building the unit.

There's a little bit of a bootstrapping problem, in needing something in ROM to get started - unless you design in a switch-style front panel to single-step your bootstrap in. We could help there by selling pre-programmed ROMs which contain a bootloader (for a particular interface at a particular address...)

A machine language monitor would be good for a boot ROM. Eventually, anyone who tinkers with bare metal will need one. A toggle switch loader may be too intimidating for some—translating one's program to bit patterns and then correctly entering them is no trivial exercise. The M/L monitor's prompt would immediately prove at power-on that the machine is upright with a pulse—important for a first-time build—and would give the experimenter the means to enter and run simple programs so s/he can start exploring the unit's features.

A similar problem exists with FPGAs. enso's willingness to sell pre-programmed devices helps a lot there. I don't know if his present design has enough I/O for this idea, but you can imagine a pre-programmed FPGA-based board could expose a databus and some address pins and enable signals, if not a full address bus.

Just my opinion, but I think an FPGA unit is out of the realm of beginners' hardware. Aside from that, it's not a genuine 6502 and although it may perform like a 6502, it doesn't look like one and hides logic details that would be "visible" in a machine built from discrete gates. The less hardware that is exposed to the experimenter the less s/he is going to learn from it. I think we would need to be careful to keep this beginners' design as simple and accessible as possible, using a real 6502 (actually a 65C02—I believe we should encourage the exclusive use of CMOS parts in new designs).

I think the thing is to consider what you'd do if you had absolutely nothing: the first thing you need is a shopping list, and we can help with that.

This goes back to the notion of developing an elemental 6502 machine. If we develop such a unit and someone assembles and verifies the design, we can readily produce a BoM and list sources for each item. Our experienced members can suggest sources for their particular countries that aim to minimize shipping costs, duties, etc. I know where to get virtually anything electronic within North America at a good price, but haven't much knowledge of similar sources in overseas locations.

We need to ease up on all the second-order advice about how to build industrial-strength high-speed systems, I think. 1 MHz and breadboarded, mean time to failure at least 10 minutes.

Agreed. That ties in with the notion of a basic system that can do something useful other than convert electrons into heat and smoke. Once the experimenter has gotten comfortable with the 1 MHz unit and decides s/he wants to pick up the pace then s/he is no longer a newbie and can benefit from advice on building a more advanced machine.

floobydust wrote:
Agree on pretty much everything said... getting kids interested in not a simple task, especially with all of the existing distractions already around them, which includes the internet.

Interest has to start at a fairly young age. My interest in electronics, machines, science, etc., started when I was six years old with the acquisition of an American Flyer model train set, and got into high gear when I was nine, thanks to an "uncle" (he wasn't really my uncle, but I looked up to him as one) who took an interest in me. Although the Internet wasn't around in those days, there were many other distractions that could have claimed my time. His getting involved was pivotal in steering me in the right direction.

Interestingly enough, I am acting as a surrogate uncle for a friend's son who is very interested in railroading and wants to build a large scale steam locomotive (a formidable project for a skilled and disciplined adult). AJ got interested in railroading some 10 years ago when he was a little more than six years old and his grandfather would bring him to our large scale club. After his grandpa died in 2004 I sort of took over in that regard and the effort has sure paid off. He's a responsible teenager and excellent student, understands the meaning of moderation when it comes to goofing off on-line and has a better understanding of science than the majority of kids his age. It's a matter of kids having proper role models.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:37 pm 
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I think both Lego Technic and Raspberry Pi are useful educational tools: if a family can't buy one, maybe the school will. After-school activities can expand a lot on what the regular class does.

As noted a day or two ago, the Raspberry Pi has the interesting characteristic of being a Linux computer running at 3.3 Volts, with serial I/O and a few general purpose I/Os. It fits well with the demise of 5V design. Having an actual standard serial port removes a lot of difficulties that come with USB adapters.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:03 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:37 pm
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The Raspberry Pi's primary driver is that it's straight forward to get lights to blink or a motor to spin using a scripting language. Making the software development cycle fast for young people.

No downloading, no prom burning, no compiling. Follow some instructions, and you can get the light to blink interactively from a Python listener. This is much more accessible than a longer, lower level development cycle around C or assembly.

Next, it becomes a task of getting Interesting Hardware that lets folks do Interesting Things quickly.

There's little reason to start folks at the low level fundamentals any more when they can be successful, quickly, with the pre-tested, higher level abstractions.

With SoC's, and the modern micro controllers, fussing with things like address decode logic and interface chips is passé. Why would someone waste time wiring all that stuff up, when this thing over here does it all on a single chip? Chip, usb port, and power (which may come from the USB port). Add on a LED and a switch to make blinky things you can turn on an off.

Not having tried it, but pretty sure you don't need a scope for basic bootstrapping with a modern micro controller, even if you don't get a pre-made board.

What about a 4 chip solution: CPU, RAM chip, Flash ROM chip, and CPLD (or some other thing) that does all the rest -- parallel I/O pins, serial I/O, decoding, etc. Make it brick proof (set switch, starts up in "download from serial port and save to Flash ROM"). Common, off the shelf components that don't have to be salvaged off of eBay.

At least the primary components are there to see: CPU, RAM, ROM, and Magic Happens Here chip vs a single ALL the Magic Happens Here chip.

Think you'd be hard pressed to find someone wanting to solve Karnaugh maps to get their software loaded and a LED to blink. Not today. Not anymore.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:43 am 
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Sorry for beating my own drum here, but I think my Propeddle project would seem to fill a need here. Once it's done anyway :roll:

For those who haven't seen it before: I combined a 65C02 and a 128K SRAM chip with a Parallax Propeller (based on a project that did the same thing in a slightly different way). The Propeller bitbangs the clock and other signals to the 65C02 and can also emulate hardware such as ROM, video adapters, serial communications etc.

The 65C02's view of the world is determined by software running on the Propeller; If you want to map a video screen into the 6502 memory map: no problem. Emulating a VIA, PIA or CIA should also be fairly trivial. ROM is a matter of either mapping a Propeller memory area into the 6502 memory map, or copying it to the SRAM chip at system startup and allowing only read access. I'll also make it possible to connect real hardware via an extension bus.

As I mentioned, implementing ROM is very easy; if you would use my hardware to emulate some old system like the Commodore PET, you could probably just use a ROM dump file and use it directly. But I'm thinking, as proof of concept for those who would like to try to "bring up" their own system, I should provide a program that starts out with a blank ROM, and an on-board cross-assembler. You'll start out with a non-functional 6502 computer but you'll be able to "break out" from the keyboard, and "toggle in" a program from the Propeller, which will be executed from what the 6502 thinks is ROM. It should be just as much fun as bringing up your own system but without the "cheating" part of doing the cross-assembling on a PC, and without the tedious parts of waiting to flash and erase an [E]EPROM or download a ROM image like you would do with an Arduino or something similar: it will be "flashed" as you write it. A blank-slate computer with a self-contained development system. All you need is the hardware, a monitor or TV, and a keyboard.

Sound cool?

Of course this still needs a lot of work. First of all, I have to figure out why I can't run the main bitbang-loop at 1MHz yet (it runs one step slower, at 0.99MHz but something in the timing goes wrong at the full 1MHz speed, and I have to hook up my logic analyzer to figure out what it is). Then I need to re-design a circuit board: the previous PCB designs were based on the Propeller Platform but that's pretty much non-existent nowadays so I have to design an all-in-one PCB and I just haven't gotten that done yet.

Meanwhile, I did figure out that the Parallax Propeller Project Board (#32810) is big enough to do a wire-wrap version for those who might be too impatient to wait for the next revision of the PCB. Here's the first ever picture of a possible wire-wrap version of the Propeddle. This is a proof-of-concept, it doesn't work yet. And wire-wrap is not where I want to go: I want to make a simple PCB with through-hole parts only that has everything on board; it will probably be about twice as big as this.

File comment: First ever picture of a wire-wrapped Propeddle on a Parallax Project Board #32810. No extension bus and no wiring yet, but everything you need for a 1MHz 6502 computer is here :-)
2013-09-20 17.40.10.jpg
2013-09-20 17.40.10.jpg [ 1.19 MiB | Viewed 3403 times ]

EDIT: the wire-wrap version should be about $50, not including wire-wrapping and soldering tools and wire, and not including a PS/2 keyboard or monitor.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:32 am 
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Various ways of helping the newbie seem to be emerging, but I don't think I have a clear-enough view of them yet to list them. One thing I would push for is keeping it simple, but not handing them much pre-done such that they are deprived of the learning or are not really able to get down to the metal.

I am a firm believer that the Raspberry Pi fails to teach the student to go very far past being an appliance operator. It has its place, but I would never recommend it for a beginner who really wants to know the insides of the computer and have tight control of it. BTW, I never really did know what a Karnaugh map was. Maybe I should go look it up.

BigEd wrote:
Perhaps we could post up a minimal 6502 system which can be breadboarded, with a list of parts and links to where to buy them. (Probably we could come up with more than one such design!)

One minimal 6502 system is at http://wilsonminesco.com/6502primer/pot ... ml#BAS_CPU, but does not show keypad, display, etc. (until you get further down the page). More on that in a minute though, and tutorials and primers and kits.

There's a little bit of a bootstrapping problem, in needing something in ROM to get started - unless you design in a switch-style front panel to single-step your bootstrap in.

Hex thumbwheel switches make it more intuitive but they're probably even slower than toggle switches. My first EPROM programmer was hand-operated, using DIP switches, which I did not realize at the time are not made to have many cycles of life. They were cheap and compact, but my EPROM programmer was so slow and prone to human error that I did not make enough use of it to wear out even the DIP switches. I think it was an important part of my self-education though. If you're talking about pre-loading RAM however, errors there are correctable and do not require starting over.

We could help there by selling pre-programmed ROMs which contain a bootloader (for a particular interface at a particular address...)

I think Daryl has that for his SBCs he sells, in fact more than just a monitor program.

A similar problem exists with FPGAs. enso's willingness to sell pre-programmed devices helps a lot there. I don't know if his present design has enough I/O for this idea, but you can imagine a pre-programmed FPGA-based board could expose a databus and some address pins and enable signals, if not a full address bus.

I think we need to leave programmable logic out of the newbies' menu unless a newbie brings it up. Even then, he would probably go to the programmable-logic section of the forum.

We need to ease up on all the second-order advice about how to build industrial-strength high-speed systems, I think. 1 MHz and breadboarded, mean time to failure at least 10 minutes.

Something enters in here which is both a blessing and a curse. The parts being made today are much faster than what we had decades ago, but the problem with that is they just won't work if the construction method is inadequate. Samuel Falvo breadboarded an '816 with flying wires and had big problems from this. Since he had some electronics knowledge and good equipment, he figured out what he needed to do to get things working. Newbies OTOH might be hopelessly discouraged.

I have a lot of 2MHz 65c02's and 22's here that I will probably never use, so I could make them available to beginners. I also have about 110 1MHz 6512's, but they're NMOS, so to me, they're hardly worth the space they take up. Maybe at least the CMOS ones should go into kits of Daryl's SBC-2 or similar, and the EPROM could come pre-programmed to help get the newbie going although he could substitute his own later.

Justin wrote:
I don't think young people today are really all that different than in years past. Humans have been running the same firmware for 10,000 years. I think the difference is that adults no longer encourage these kinds of things. Some are worried that little Johnny might burn himself with a soldering iron or that your neighbors will think you're a pedophile if there's teenage boys visiting your house. Most adults don't tinker any more - manufacturers have done a good job convincing us that making things is "hard" and there is little practical value in repairing things when replacement cheap imported goods are so readily available.

I was glad to see Heathkit is planning to get going again, making kits! [Edit: http://www.heathkit.com/ ] I hope it really does happen. I had heard various excuses for their quitting many years ago, but I could give plenty of reasons why those were invalid. One excuse for example was that the hobbyist could not hope to compete with the compactness of commercially made products that used SMT. But at that time, even commercially built TVs and stereos still had a ton of empty space in them, and amateur radio equipment's size was mostly set by front-panel requirements without making them too tiny to operate with big fingers. The space taken by PCBs was not the pacing item. (Their PCB layouts could have been much denser in spite of thru-hole parts anyway.)

However, there are still those among us, old and young, who have "the knack". Here is something I was inspired to write about a friend of the family recently: http://fuzzythinking.com/these-kids-today/

That's outstanding!

As for myself, I was a Commodore kid in the 1980s - I learned how to program from the display models in K-Mart. Eventually my parents bought me one for Christmas. With their continued support I was able to grow this interest into a career as a software developer. One thing that also helped was joining a local computer club, where I could meet other kids & adults with the same interests and learn from them.

The Commodore 64 sure did the field a lot of good. Although it had more than needed for the beginner, the books had the full schematic, all the ROM entry points and even the ROM listing, full documentation of the ports, etc.. Try getting that on a PC today, or even on a Raspberry Pi!

Maker Faires and Hamfests are also magnets for techie-kids.

I took our technically minded son to the electronics swap meets when he was in about 4th to 9th grades and he enjoyed them. What I remember him getting most was Commodore 64 stuff.

It is hard to be hopeful, but I think it's important to explain to kids that spending time with a closed platform or a plastic box with a closed OS is not an answer to anything, just a way for someone to gain market share and make a lot of money by going public.

Much of the idea seems to be to make it easier to get into the field because so much is already done for you. My argument is that that keeps you from every really understanding the innards, and you again become an appliance operator. It does not accomplish what I would like to see. That's not to say everyone's path into the field has to match mine, but I think there was a good reason for example that the teacher of the 6502 class in 1982 had us assemble our programs by hand when there was a rudimentary assembler onboard the AIM-65's we used.

floobydust wrote:
Agree on pretty much everything said... getting kids interested in not a simple task, especially with all of the existing distractions already around them, which includes the internet. What I think is a bigger issue is one of cost. Just pricing out a handful of chips to make something useful quickly adds up. You can easily be in over $100 by time you get everything needed. Now add the tedious and error-prone task to breadboard it, then have some way to program an EEPROM and you've got an expensive project that has higher odds of failing than getting a newer smartphone.

The cost was a big issue to me as a teenager. I saved up for things that today are pocket change and I hardly give a thought to. I suppose a good thing that came out of that is that I valued those things more highly, took care of them, and did more with them. One thing I did have was the time to make things.

Arduino is an option and has a lot of support, but it's boring in my view... And they look cheesy as does the overall dev setup. I think Zilog does a much more pro setup for one of their Z8 Encore dev kits which includes a pretty full dev/debug IDE and USB programming/debugging interface. However, it's also a micro controller single chip device, not something like a 6502 system.

I can't require someone to agree with me, but I think IDEs and debuggers kind of shortchange the beginner out of some of the learning, and make him too dependent on tools he doesn't have the capacity to understand. Because of years of going without such luxuries, my own sofware writing is much more bug-free than it would have otherwise been, because I was forced to be more careful and develop better programming habits.

Wish I had a better answer... Even my minimal system was expensive to put together using a PCB and socketed chips, but it's a safer build option should one manage to pop a chip while experimenting.

...which will and does happen!

BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
BigEd wrote:
Perhaps we could post up a minimal 6502 system which can be breadboarded, with a list of parts and links to where to buy them. (Probably we could come up with more than one such design!)

Seems as though we had discussed this approach some time back but (as is often the case) the discussion fell apart as everyone tossed in their two cents (or quid, euro, etc.) and the minimal 6502 machine started to resemble a PC.

That used to happen all the time on the Delphi forum, and no hardware ever came out of it. Then, without consulting anyone, Daryl came up with his SBC-2 and said, "I have this board design. Anyone want one?" and he got 50 orders. It had just the basics, and it worked.

The most problematic hardware part, I think, would be integrating a display and keyboard. My approach with POC is to use a serial terminal, which takes care of both display and input. However, I doubt the average newbie experimenter has a terminal laying around.

They probably don't even have a PC with RS-232 anymore which is much more hobbyist-friendly than USB. My first home-made computer had an 8-character 7-segment LED display and a 16-button keypad encoded and debounced in hardware. It worked on first try, but I learned better ways later.

Just my opinion, but I think an FPGA unit is out of the realm of beginners' hardware. [...] I think we would need to be careful to keep this beginners' design as simple and accessible as possible, using a real 6502 (actually a 65C02—I believe we should encourage the exclusive use of CMOS parts in new designs).

and 74-family logic, not PALs, GALs, etc., since it's for beginners. If one is interested in FPGAs, he would probably go to the programmable-logic section of the forum.

I think the thing is to consider what you'd do if you had absolutely nothing: the first thing you need is a shopping list, and we can help with that.

This goes back to the notion of developing an elemental 6502 machine. If we develop such a unit and someone assembles and verifies the design, we can readily produce a BoM and list sources for each item. Our experienced members can suggest sources for their particular countries that aim to minimize shipping costs, duties, etc.

We have at least a couple of different ideas here, both valid. One is the tutorial, which says, "We're going to make this gizmo, and I'll hold your hand through every step of it." The other is the primer, which says, "Here's all the basic info you need to figure out for yourself how to do what you want to do." A kit would be off the tutorial end, where all the parts even come in a single package, pre-selected and sorted, etc..

http://WilsonMinesCo.com/ lots of 6502 resources
The "second front page" is http://wilsonminesco.com/links.html .
What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:00 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:37 pm
Posts: 1004
I think y'all are missing my point.

Computers, especially today, are a means to an end, not a means in itself. The interest is in the blinking light, not the decoding logic that enables the 6522 that lets the 6502 code blink the light.

The code is interesting, the light is interesting. Everything in between? Not so much. Especially not at first. Especially today.

Lego Mindstorms teaches nothing about computers or computer architecture or design or interfacing or even electronics. It teaches programming, motor control, sensors, gearing and mechanics.

This is why the one chip wonders are interesting. Why they took off. Artists are a core component of the Arduino marketplace, because they can easily Do Stuff with them. They don't understand them, and they don't need or desire to understand them at a low level. They just need them to work. To turn on their lights, and spin their spinners when the switch is flicked or the light beam broken or the sun goes down or whatever.

The modern chips are opaque. Power goes in, code gets downloaded, leds, motor controller modules, and relay modules are wired straight the the output pins, and magic happens. You barely have to know about polarity to get things working. Power, drivers, impedance, triacs, SCRs, etc.? Nope. None of that. That's handled in the little modules you plug in and wire together.

Their self contained nature makes them difficult to disassemble if you might be curious more about what's going on.

The 4 Chip 6502 doesn't necessarily suffer from that. I love the Propeller board idea. Yes, the Propeller chip is a HUGE crutch from a component and circuitry point of view. It's a black box of magic, but it's really enabling and empowering to the system as a whole. It potentially makes the 6502 Really Useful for a Lot of Things, "right out of the box". Distinctly different from of the more complicated starter 6502 systems. Add some prototyping area to the board, and jumpers to let the user add decoding logic later, along with the header for the I/O, of course.

The criticism that the Raspberry Pi is too high level is not properly answered by dumping the user in to the depths of discrete logic, two phase clocks, chip families, and bypass capacitors. Now you're too low level, and the level of understanding necessary to get the light to blink is a huge step up in complexity compared to the other solutions. So you need to have a middle ground. Something perhaps more knee deep than 7 foot deep.

The students can always find out more, if they find they are so inclined. They're not learning anything wrong by starting at a higher level and the being able to go deeper and get more detail. But requiring them to "know it all" just to get started is simply to much.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:42 am 
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Indeed. Note that Mindstorms devices are controlled by I2C - there is scope for building your own peripherals. It's a self-contained system that helps with learning programming, but it doesn't stop there. The new revision runs Linux and is open source. Of course you only go the Mindstorms route if you want to do robots or software controlled mechanisms, but it is very motivating to have such real-world peripherals. Much more satisfying than a blinking LED and more tangible than a keyboard and display. It is expensive.

Many of us here like to break everything down to the atomic level, but there are plenty of stopping off points as you drill down from a black-box tablet to a big mess of wires.

It's clear that the 4-chip computer, or the 6-chip computer, has broken everything down to the traditional essentials. There remains the difficulty of talking to it. If you put a serial port on it, you need to have something which talks to the serial port.

This is where the Raspberry Pi is a good fit: in this case, don't think of it as part of the experiment, but as part of the infrastructure. The family PC, if there is one, probably doesn't have a serial port, and the family might not be sanguine about hooking it up to a breadboard. Solution A is a USB-serial converter, and solution B is a Raspberry Pi. The Pi just has to run any glass tty utility, of which at least 3 are standard. See http://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection

As a completely separate question, instead of a 4-chip or 6-chip computer, you can black-box some of the complexity. If you do expose an 8 bit databus and a 16-address bus, and a clock and a R/W signal, then there's plenty of room for experiments like hooking up a CIA or building a parallel port from 74 series.

What's the black box? It could be a PCB with a 4-chip computer on it, it could be Propeller-based, whether as a dev board or on a breadboard, it could be a preprogrammed FPGA on a PCB, it could be a discrete 6502 with a CPLD or a GAL.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:05 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:50 am
Posts: 33
Hi guys,

Also why not check out my DIY 8-bit Computer FIGnition? It's been designed for exactly this purpose: a (3-chip) computer simple enough to be built, coded and understood.


FIGnition was launched properly on April 28, 2011 via an article on the BBC.. 3 days later the raspberry pi team contacted the Beeb to pre-announce (by 10 months) their concept!

Since 2011 I've sold over 1000 kits and they're now being distributed via RS components. It's nothing like R-pi, sales, but it's quite good for a kit computer :-)

Note: although FIGnition uses an AVR, it's not an arduino. Instead it runs Forth programs at near 8-bit machine code speed from 8Kb of external serial RAM, programs you can type in directly via it's keypad. It has audio and outputs to PAL/NTSC, supporting 25x24 text or a proper 160x160 bitmapped frame buffer with a high-speed xor blitter.

FIGnition's firmware is fully open-sourced and is OSH compliant, you can even build it on stripboard from complete scratch!

Check out my posts on the blog OneWeekWonder for my thoughts on why FIGnition is a good tool for end-to-end computer learning or William Marshall's Design Spark review.

Sorry about the plug and the fact that FIGnition isn't 6502 based. Actually I frequently lurk on this site because it's enjoyable to read about all your home-brew computer goodness :-)


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