phvic wrote:
does someone happen to know how to get a W65C02 or two shipped to Finland in a reasonable amount of time without outrageous shipping costs…?
If you haven't already bought a CPU, perhaps you should consider getting one that has the /BE (Bus Enable) input Garth mentioned. Then you won't require the 74hc541's. WDC is one manufacturer whose chips have /BE, and there are others (although I forget most of them). In order to exactly match the pinout of the original 6502, the R65c02 doesn't have /BE. But the Rockwell R65c102 and R65c112
do have /BE, so watch for those when you're shopping.
BTW as an alternative to using the RDY input to start & stop the 'C02, you could arrange for the AVR to generate the signal that serves as the 'C02's clock input (on pin 37). (In other words, don't use an oscillator). It's just something to consider -- I don't know what your priorities are; perhaps there's no advantage.
If you go this route, you can ignore R/W. Read or write, the CPU never drives the data bus during Phase 1. So when you stop the clock, just stop it in the low state (Phase 1).
Good luck, welcome, and keep us posted on your progress!
ps- Rockwell datasheet attached. Note the 'c112 variant can only be used with an external clock, such as from the AVR.
In 1988 my 65C02 got six new registers and 44 new full-speed instructions! ... mmary.html