Interestingly, the CEGMON manual says that RUBOUT equates to $5F so if I can map the backspace key on the Wy120 to $5F I
might be onto a winner.
Of course, it would be better to get Ceggy to recognise BS instead of $5F for the rubout function!
[EDIT] D'oh! It's the underscore character. However when you enter underscore on the terminal, it comes up as entered (but BASIC acts as if you'd hit rubout, so, for example, typing PRIN_NT <CR> in BASIC makes it print a blank line as if you'd entered PRINT).
Reading further into the Ceggy manual (here: I can see that there is a dual cursor editor function like you have on a BBC Micro. Nice... although it won't work with a VT-100 terminal and serial port..