Hi DerTrueForce!
It seems, we go in parallel, as someone says, neck and neck...
During the last three days I tortured an LCD display. This is my first experience with it (and with 6502 assemly language too). Several times I was going to throw that device into the trash, but each time found a mistake in the program and continued to experiment. And finally, I won. It works.
Now I need to optimize the program, because after all quick fixes and patches it looks terrible.
The connection made through port A of R65C22. MPU clock is 1.8432 MHz. The display type is LCM1602K-FSPG-YBW-R. I have no right datasheet, so I don't know the type of controller (HD44780, KS0066, SPLC780D or any other). I went through one by one initialization algorithms (from all available datasheets), trying to find the working one. Two of the tested ones were suitable.
In the process revealed the need for the time delay between characters, otherwise it turns out the garbage on the display (it seems, the program is too quick
If you have questions for me, I will try to answer.