The header of that file is
4E 45 53 1A 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The first 4 bytes tell us that it's either iNES or NES2.0 format. Which one doesn't really matter in this case, as NES2.0 is backwards compatible, and this file doesn't use any of its extended features. I'll assume iNES because it's simpler.
The next two bytes are $01 and $01, which mean 16K PRG ROM and 8K CHR ROM. The mapper number is scattered through a few of the other bytes, which are all 0, so it's mapper 0.
The next 16K ($0010 - $400F) is PRG ROM. That appears in the 6502's memory space at locations $8000-$BFFF and also at $C000-$FFFF (because that's what mapper 0 does with 16K ROMs). It looks like the copy at $8000-$BFFF isn't used, but it'll still be there.
On power-up the 6502 reads the interrupt vector at $FFFC and starts execution at the address it points to. $FFFC is at $400C in the file, and those two bytes are 00 C0. So we expect to see code at $C000 in the 6502's memory space, which is $0010 in the file. At those locations we see 4C 94 C0, which is JMP $C094. And at $C094 ($00A4 in the file) we get A2 FF 9A A9 00 ..., which translates to
LDA #$00
which is the sort of thing you'd expect reset code to do.
You say
You've mentioned that the reset-vector at $FFFC
but it was at $C000 according to the disassembler I've used
which makes me think you might not know what a vector is. In the 6502 world, a vector is two bytes in memory that contain the address of some code. The disassembler is showing you the code, not the vector.