barnacle wrote:
Does this let you use a stack frame? So you would define variables on your (much larger) stack so that input variables remain at a fixed offset above the current stack pointer, and local variables appear below the stack pointer?
Yup, that's exactly using the Direct Page as a stack frame. Which (if my memory works - but it's been a while) is very similar to how the 16bit x86 BP register was used.
I guess it's convention but I would setup everything to appear above the stack pointer in memory (i.e. inside the stack). So my Direct Page calculation would be:
on entering a function from a JSR / JSL
transfer the Stack Pointer address to A
subtract the amount of memory I need for local variables
transfer A back to the Stack Pointer
and then
push the Direct Page (so I know what it was previously)
transfer A to the Direct Page
The assembly would look something like this:
SBC #_Local_Variable_Space_needed
Having all local variables and arguments inside the stack means the stack can still be used. Specifically for registers that can only be accessed via the stack: PHB, PLB, PHP, PLP and PHK
For completeness cleaning up and returning from the function is a bit more complicated because the return address for RTS / RTL needs to be the last thing popped off the stack (but unfortunately it sits after any arguments that were pushed)
Assuming a long return:
load A with return address (low and high bytes)
store A over the (first+1) bytes of argument
load A with return address (high and bank bytes)
store A over the first bytes of argument
pull the Direct Page
transfer the Stack Pointer address to A
add the amount of memory needed for local variables less 3 bytes
transfer A back to the Stack Pointer
return long
Again the assembly would look like
LDA <_Local_Variable_Space_needed+2 ;RTL hi, RTL lo
STA <_Arguments-1
LDA <_Local_Variable_Space_needed+1 ;RTL b, rtl hi
STA <_Arguments-2
ADC #_Arguments-3