Hello all. Sorry, been a while since I've been around.
I'm designing a circuit around the ATF1508ASV CPLD chip.
https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/55 ... SV15AU100T (TQFP-100)
In the datasheet, it briefly mentions pins 88 and 90. Which are the "INPUT/OE1" and "INPUT/OE2/GCLK2" pins respectively.
I sort of understand that pin 90 (GLCK2) is one of the three global clocks and can be used with an external clock.
But what is OE1 for? For that matter, when would OE2 be utilized as well?
I've searched through the datasheet and I must be missing something. I see them referred to as "Global OE" pins. I also see them mentioned in a block diagram but I'm missing the information what they actually are and when/how to utilize them.
Sorry for such a newbie question but I'm just now getting back into learning CPLD's.
Any information would be appreciated.