cbmeeks wrote:
Thanks! That's very helpful.
I'm wondering if the ATF1508 could handle such a task? I imagine it could if all I do is drive VGA from SRAM and maybe a little glue logic.
Personally, I've only used Xilinx and Altera parts, though a quick look at the datasheet suggests it should be okay.
The ATF1508 is 128 Macrocells, so should be able to accommodate a simple VGA design.
The amount of glue depends on the design you have in mind, the command driven device linked in the second post of this thread uses no glue logic at all.
For most memory mapped display designs however, you'll need some glue, the one exception is when there are enough I/O pins on the CPLD to connect CPU,
SRAM, and VGA-OUT all to different pins, then all the logic can be internal to the CPLD rather than as external glue logic, depending on available CPLD resources of course.
I don't think I like the idea of a timed licence for the Prochip Designer 5.0.1 software though.