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 Post subject: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:55 am 
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Just announcing that I'm working on an 32 bit core that has an 6502 emulation mode.

It's a 16 reg design. Instruction and data caches. 32 bit word oriented addressing.



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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:32 pm 
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I like it!!!!

Can you show us some 'real world' code fragments of familiar routines, like a memory move or a simple sort? If you want to get Garth's attention (like I wanted to do), you could show us how some Forth primitives could be extended to 32-bits. The backwards-compatibility makes it instantly useful, but obviously fails to make the best use of its capabilities, so it would be nice to see how some 6502 code looks after the 'upgrade'.



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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:56 pm 
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Sure, I can post some code samples. I've been working through a couple.
Unfortunately I don't know Forth. I could try translating a couple routines if I had samples.

The following is a typical print string to serial port routine.

                                              cpu      RTF65002      ; tell assembler which instruction table to use
                                            ; If the program gets here then we know at least the boot strap
                                            ; worked okay, which is in itself a good test of processor health.
     23 000009000 22 38 A6 00 00                jsr      putmsg3
     24 000009005 54 65 73 74 69 6E 67 20       db      "Testing Processor", 13, 10, 0
     24 00000900D 50 72 6F 63 65 73 73 6F 
     24 000009015 72 0D 0A 00 
   1372 00000A638                           putmsg3
   1373 00000A638 FA                            plx            ; pop the return address off the stack
   1374 00000A639                           pm5
   1375 00000A639 B5 20 01 00                   lb      r1,$0,x   ; load byte into accumulator
   1376 00000A63D E8                            inx
   1377 00000A63E 05 11 00                      ora      #0      ; test for end of string
   1378 00000A641 F0 06                         beq      pm6
   1379 00000A643 62 09 00                      bsr      putSer
   1380 00000A646 80 F2                         bra      pm5
   1381 00000A648                           pm6
   1382 00000A648 7C 00 00 00 00                jmp      ($0,x)   ; return to next code byte
                                            ; put character to serial port
                                            ; test and,bne,pha,pla,sta,lda,rts
   1387 00000A64D                           putSer
   1388 00000A64D 48                            pha               ; temporarily save character
   1389 00000A64E                           ps1
   1390 00000A64E 0D 10 01 CF 00 00             lda      UART+1      ; get serial port status
   1391 00000A654 25 11 08                      and      #XMIT_FUL   ; is it full ?
   1392 00000A657 D0 F6                         bne      ps1         ; If full then wait
   1393 00000A659 68                            pla               ; get back the char to write
   1394 00000A65A 8D 01 00 CF 00 00             sta      UART      ; write it to the xmit register
   1395 00000A660 60                            rts           


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:02 pm 
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Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:56 pm
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Memory move UP/DOWN modified from the source code repository

                                            ; Move memory down
                                            ; FROM = source start address
                                            ;   TO = destination start address
                                            ; SIZE = number of bytes to move
Finitron 65002 assembler   version 1.0   Sun Sep 01 13:54:07 2013     Page 31
   1800 = 10                                SIZEM   EQU      $10
   1801 = 11                                FROM   EQU      $11
   1802 = 12                                TO      EQU      $12
   1407 00000A661 02 03 33                  MOVEDOWN AND R3,R3,R0      ; load Y with zero
   1408 00000A664 B6 00 01                            LDX SIZEM
   1409 00000A667 F0 0D                               BEQ MD4
   1410 00000A669 11 30 11 01               MD1      LDA (FROM),Y
   1411 00000A66D 91 31 20 01                         STA (TO),Y
   1412 00000A671 C8                                  INY
   1413 00000A672 CA                                  DEX
   1414 00000A673 D0 F5                               BNE MD1
   1415 00000A675 60                        MD4      RTS
                                            ; Move memory up
                                            ; FROM = source start address
                                            ;   TO = destination start address
                                            ; SIZE = number of bytes to move
   1423 00000A676 B4 00 01                  MOVEUP   LDY SIZEM    ; the last byte must be moved first
                                                                  ; start at the final pages of FROM and TO
   1425 00000A679 F0 0F                               BEQ MU2
   1426 00000A67B 88                        MU1      DEY
   1427 00000A67C 11 30 11 01                       LDA (FROM),Y
   1428 00000A680 91 31 20 01                         STA (TO),Y
   1429 00000A684 02 03 10                            CMP R3,R0      ; compare Y to zero
   1430 00000A687 D0 F3                               BNE MU1
   1431 00000A689                           MU2
   1432 00000A689 60                                  RTS


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:27 pm
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Rob Finch wrote:
Just announcing that I'm working on an 32 bit core that has an 6502 emulation mode.

It's a 16 reg design. Instruction and data caches. 32 bit word oriented addressing.


I quickly skimmed the page. Looks good! But a few questions.
So it has 16 32-bit registers?
The 1st 4 are dedicated to 65c02? Acummulator, X and Y registers? With another register always zero, for the STZ instruction?
Then the user has another 12 32-bit registers?


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:30 am 
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So it has 16 32-bit registers?
The 1st 4 are dedicated to 65c02? Acummulator, X and Y registers? With another register always zero, for the STZ instruction?
Then the user has another 12 32-bit registers?

Yes, 16 regs available! In 32 bit mode the STZ instruction is just a store R0 (ST R0,....) so I hijacked the STZ opcode to use as a store byte instruction instead.
(The docs are a little out of date - I've decided to add a couple of byte load and store instructions.). The ST instruction uses the STA opcode set, but can store any of the registers, so it made STZ/STX/STY redundant, excepting for shorter forms.

There is also two stack pointer registers, one for each mode. This is to allow the processor to handle interrrupts by automatically switching to native mode.
A separate stack pointer is needed to avoid problems with the stack pointer needing to be word aligned for 32 bit mode.

I need to store an interrupt policy bit somewhere. The policy being whether or not to switch to native mode for interrupts.


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:08 am 
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What assembler are you using, Rob? So far, I've been hand-assembling my 6502 to 65m32 translations, and I'm getting pretty good at it. However, it's obvious that I will need to modify an existing assembler soon, and I don't want to spend any money on one yet. Would you be able to share any helpful info and/or source code for your assembler, assuming that it is available and in a language that I can understand well enough to modify?

If this request is too personal, just say so ... I'll understand.


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:36 am 
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What assembler are you using, Rob? So far, I've been hand-assembling my 6502 to 65m32 translations, and I'm getting pretty good at it. However, it's obvious that I will need to modify an existing assembler soon, and I don't want to spend any money on one yet. Would you be able to share any helpful info and/or source code for your assembler, assuming that it is available and in a language that I can understand well enough to modify?

I'm using an assembler I wrote myself; it's a 6502 macro assembler that's TASS compatible. I haven't actually finished updates for the RTF65002 yet.
Sorry, but I can't really offer source code. The assembler is quite powerful and written in C++ using object heirarchies, so there is a steep learning curve to the assembler. It is table driven, but not that easily modified. It's thousands of lines of code, something one probably doesn't want to start with.

I would suggest finding a simpler assembler written in C to modify, I think there was a 6800 assembler with source code available on the net. I wrote my first assembler years ago for the 6800 back in school and have been updating it ever since.

Are there docs for the 65m32 ?


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:38 am 
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Rob Finch wrote:
... [snip] ...
I would suggest finding a simpler assembler written in C to modify, I think there was a 6800 assembler with source code available on the net. I wrote my first assembler years ago for the 6800 back in school and have been updating it ever since.

Thanks, Rob. I have several possibilities, but haven't settled on one yet.

Are there docs for the 65m32 ?

Good question. The design has matured in my head for several years, but I spilled the beans a little bit early here, before I had anything on paper that was truly fit for public consumption:


... and I have been struggling to complete the specification document ever since. Apparently, the 65m32's operand structure that is so crystal-clear in my head is not so easy for me to explain clearly in print, except for the code translations that roll out so easily for me. It's a work in progress, but I have been receiving some private help and encouragement from Garth and Dieter, among others. With any luck, it should be ready for public view within the next couple of weeks. Finishing the spec doc is my primary concern now, just below sleep, full-time job, and family. After I can call it 'complete', I should be able to modify and extend teamtempest's 16-bit CPUSim core, which he kindly provided, and decide on an assembler.

Take care,


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:04 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:27 pm
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Rob, how far along on your core percentage-wise? What kind of hardware are you testing it on?


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:07 pm 
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Rob, how far along on your core percentage-wise? What kind of hardware are you testing it on?

There's still a long ways to go (1%?). I've got enough coded to begin testing. There could still be glaring ommissoins of things I want to see in the core that I'll find by testing. I just added a register indirect jump today, how I missed that I don't know.

I have it testing in simulation fetching instructions correctly through both cached and non-cached access. The branches all seem to be working. It also seems to handle the NMI interrupt okay.

For simulation I'm testing on an HP ENVY workstation. 12 GB ram, Quad core 4?GHz. Windows 8. Using Xilinx's ISE Webpack and ISIM.
For real hardware, I've got an Digilent Atlys board to test with.

The core is currently about 850 regs and 8300 lookup tables. Synthesis reports it should run at about 50MHz.
The core is about eight times the size of an '02 core, and hence also slower.


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:26 am 
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Well I may be 2% done now. I've managed to run the 65C02 emulation through a processor test program.
The core has grown somewhat to about 8700 LUTs with bug fixes and performance optimizations.

I'm wondering about adding a software interrupt mechanism for BIOS/OS support. Many processors have this, but I don't want to get too complex.


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:03 pm 
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Well a built a "little" test system, and
"RTF65002 system starting." displays on the screen, after several bug fixes.
The processor running in 32 bit mode with i-cache enabled.

I forgot to set the flags after register-register operations, which resulted in the message displaying vertically, initially.
The i-cache tags also had to be initialized to invalid.
I also double the size of the i-cache to 16kB in balancing resource usage.


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:17 am 
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I've got a processor test system up and running in hardware on an FPGA board.

I've managed to get an interface to EhBASIC working. I supplied routines for char get and char print, and *almost* have EhBasic working in emulation mode. BASIC gets an overflow error at the memory size prompt, but the fact I get a prompt shows the interfacing is working. Kinda cool because it's calling a routine running 32 bit code from eight bit code.

DisplayChar   =   $FFFFC000
KeybdCheckForKeyDirect = $FFFFC004
KeybdGetCharDirect = $FFFFC008

; system dependant i/o vectors
; these are in RAM and are set by the monitor at start-up

   JMP   (VEC_IN)      ; non halting scan input device
   JMP   (VEC_OUT)      ; send byte to output device
   JMP   (VEC_LD)      ; load BASIC program
   JMP   (VEC_SV)      ; save BASIC program

; ===== Output character to the console from register r1
;   (Preserves all registers.)
; Does a far indirect subroutine call to native code.
   cpu      rtf65002
   ldx      #0
   jsr      (DisplayChar>>2,x)      ; should not trash char
   cpu      W65C02
   and      #$FF         ; set Z, N according to char in accumulator


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 Post subject: Re: The RTF65002 Core
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:32 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:26 pm
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Hey Rob,

I think that I read somewhere that Lee used BCD mode in one or two places in EhBasic. I'm not sure if this is pertinent to your error, but it might be worth investigating. Klaus has an exhaustive test suite that checks both modes and all condition flag side-effects ... if your core is fast, it shouldn't take long to run it and see if you nailed all of the flag effects in your emulation mode.

Good luck,


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