Marc Cleave has been designing and building an 8-bit CPU from TTL. Here are
the specs on github.
He's got links to
some video diaries and overall notes on
his website.
He's using wirewrap, with ordinary sockets and posts so the wirewrap is on the top side:
(click to embiggen)
It's not a 6502, but it does have 8 bit registers and a 16bit address bus. The opcodes are nibbly, so he can address 16 registers with some two-operand instructions and still use a maximum of 3 bytes with a regular decode. Here are his features:
8 bit data bus
16 8 bit registers, mapped to them are the program counter and stack pointer
16 bit stack pointer(64k stack)
16 bit program counter
64k addressable memory
Capable of 10 8bit arithmetic functions
Various addressing modes(Immediate, Indirect, Index, Register)
Memory mapped I/O