Historical 6502 systems had very fine grain time-slicing but if you're using SDRAM or similar (with two or more clock cycle access latency) then accessing in large bursts is the most sensible option by far.
If the display is write only (or blitter only), all writes (or blitter commands) can be written to FIFO and the granularity of the video time-slicing is immaterial. Likewise, the speed of the processor and display are mostly unimportant.
SparkyNZ on Fri 11 Mar 2022 wrote:
RAM is untouched for 4/5ths of each horizontal scan line.
You have considerable restraint. I would have increased the resolution by a factor of four. Or added a second display output. Or gone mad with sprites. Or added a co-processor. Or a networking interface. Or sound.
BigEd on Sat 12 Mar 2022 wrote:
The older NMOS chips will not honour RDY for write cycles, and that's a whole different story. It can be dealt with, using the observation that the NMOS 6502 will perform at most three consecutive writes before an inevitable read.
Oh! That's why, in the Commodore 64, the VIC-II pauses the processor three cycles ahead! Unfortunately, this may be one bad design decision influencing another. I suspect that the legacy RDY for read only was due to the processor designers only considering wait states for cheap, slow ROM and not the general case. I've done similar with a board design, so I can appreciate the error.