Ah - I just got it to go in, which means we get a meaningful report:
Macrocells Product Terms Function Block Registers Pins
Used/Tot Used/Tot Inps Used/Tot Used/Tot Used/Tot
108/108 (100%) 291 /540 ( 54%) 211/216 ( 98%) 49 /108 ( 45%) 66 /69 ( 96%)
** Function Block Resources **
Function Mcells FB Inps Signals Pterms IO
Block Used/Tot Used/Tot Used Used/Tot Used/Tot
FB1 18/18* 36/36* 38 52/90 9/12
FB2 18/18* 34/36 34 39/90 12/12*
FB3 18/18* 34/36 42 45/90 0/12
FB4 18/18* 35/36 35 46/90 11/11*
FB5 18/18* 36/36* 36 54/90 2/11
FB6 18/18* 36/36* 38 55/90 9/11
----- ----- ----- -----
108/108 211/216 291/540 43/69
The trick was to reduce only the product term limit... except now even that seems unnecessary, so the changes to synthesis tactics must have helped and I must have previously not got any advantage from them. Still, the conclusion is the same: it's a tight fit.