LGB wrote:
I guess Jeri's C64DTV use this scheme, the memory is 32 bit, and if you enable a single bit in the "processor control" special register, the "65J02" core would execute opcodes which can be presented by a single 32 bit sized "word" in a much shorter time. Sometimes it's even worth to put a NOP into the program code just to have 32 bit aligned opcodes. As far as I remember it's even specificated that opcodes fit into 32 bit word and no other memory access is needed then all of the ops will be executed in a single clock cycle.
Well, I guess I'm in good company, then.
Although what I had in mind is basically a 64-bit cache with always at least 5 instruction bytes in it, including all of the current instruction.
Sadly, the noise of all the wannabees and knowitalls quickly drowned out a proper discussion. That kind of killed it for me.
LGB wrote:
I am thinking of using good old 32 (36 with parity?) eg SIMM modules for an SBC, because they're really cheap, a single memory module and the speed must be OK with features like hidden refresh, etc, though I don't know too much about using DRAMs in the practice ...
You should know that SIMMs also come with SRAM. I bought a set recently, thinking I might do something retro with them. Very cheaply too (E0.10 per 4 MB module)
. DRAM is such a hassle, and for retro purposes (i.e. low memory demands) often unnecessary.