Howdy Fanis,
I have a photocopied photocopy of the drawing you've requested.
It's not good quality, but it's readable. I'll bet another member
of this .org has a better one though; might want to wait and see if
you get any other responses to your request. If not, perhaps
we can work it out.
I just joined this .org (just before you joined), although I've
been a visitor here for some time.
Judging by your request, I'm assumuing that you own an
AIM 65?? Does it have the thermal printer? Working?
Do you have the cabinet for it? Have any photos?
I have posted some web pages to show my projects. There are a few
photos of the trainers I own posted within:
I've submitted the above to the administrators of
I'm hoping it's included within the projects forum after
they have looked it over.
'till later,
Brian Phelps