A quick follow-up in reply to a question asked off-line ...
The display is "RubyTerm" which is a "smart" terminal program that runs on my Linux desktop PC. The communication from that to the Ruby board is a 115200 baud serial line. The software on the Ruby sends standard Acorn MOS VDU commands down the serial line, so ASCII is just as it is, but to draw a line, you send the plot command code, then the line code then endpoints as 4 byes (2 for X, 2 for Y), so 6 bytes. A circle is similarly draw with the plot command code, circle code then the circle centre and radius.
So the '816 isn't dealing with the graphics directly but they're off-loaded to another system.
This is inspired by both the BBC Micro (c1981), which with a 2nd processor connected to a 2Mhz bus would have the original system as the host/IO processor and the 2nd processor doing the important stuff. Also the BLIT (c1982):
http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/blit/ which was, as far as I can tell, the forerunner to the X windowing system.
My plans are to ultimately have something like the BLIT running as an application on my desktop, or even a stand alone device using something like a Pi and high speed serial or even parallel line (6522) back to the Ruby board. This was all reassuringly expensive back then - almost pocket money now...
Gordon Henderson.
See my
Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: