kc5tja wrote:
I don't understand what you're asking. According to the documentation, that instruction will take 6 cycles. Three are used for fetching the full instruction, two are used for pushing the return address on the stack, and one is a CPU-internal cycle that does nothing visible on the external bus.
First of all, thanx a lot for your time. I hope the next example will help you understand what I want.
For example, if we had
100 LDA $1234
than the answer would be:
Phase AB DB Internal operation
1. 0100 LDA PC<-(PC)+1, therefore (PC)=101
2. 0101 34 PC<-(PC)+1, therefore (PC)=102
decoding of LDA
3. 0102 12 PC<-(PC)+1, therefore (PC)=103
4. 1234 (1234) MDR<-(1234)
5. 0103 next opcode PC<-(PC)+1, therefore (PC)=104