hmn wrote:
GaBuZoMeu wrote:
I've just got advertising news from WDC...
Bare-bones FPGA board with 65xx softcores = "IoT platform"? Advertising indeed
Notice how for the demo, they hook it up to an
actual IoT platform.
Considering how folks chatter about the ubiquity of the 6502 being embedded in everything from space ships to tooth brushes, that suggests that there is an established base of 6502 expertise out in industry.
So announcing that WDC has 6502 capability using these workflows and aligning with Intel could very well be interesting to people. Seems to me they're focusing on the raw data collecting aspects of the problem space, vs the connectivity aspect.
All of those capabilities cost money. If a UART can do the job, you don't need WiFi. So, especially at volume, there's still demand for specialized components at the lowest possible prices necessary to do the job (whatever that job is).
I don't know anything about WDC's business, save that they still seem to be in business, even in this modern world. So I have to give them the benefit of the doubt that this a market worth tapping that they feel well equipped to serve, regardless of how they label it, and that their cores along with Intel FPGAs is the path to go.
I appreciate this isn't for hobbyists, as they probably don't want to let their cores out in the wild. We can certainly get by with community created cores to muddle along within out purposes.
On the other hand, it would be curious if there's an opportunity for Forth using these core and this workflow.
Dr. Ting, well known in the Forth community, has put some solid effort in to evangelizing Forth for the TI MPS430 micro controllers. So, its curious to me if it would be a good fit in this architecture as well.