BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
What if a programmer wants to toss in a couple of NOPS as a delay mechanism?
This is fine before anything other than a (ZP),Z instruction (although (ZP),Y will probably gain this enhancement, too, as it is convenient and efficient to be able to copy between two pointers that way.
If you want to cause a single cycle delay, then there are plenty of other single-cycle instructions, e.g., CLD could be used. As mentioned elsewhere, NOP is EOM on the 4502 in any case, so it is not free of side-effects.
Really the main concern is software that is written for the 65CE02, but finds itself on a GS4510 somehow. The planned solution in that case is that presumably that software would be running in C64/C65 mode, and the hypervisor would just lock out the 32-bit pointer extension, so that NOP + LDA ($12),Y does what it used to do. Hypervisor-based CPU extension control flags are easy to implement.
For completeness, a GS4510-aware programme running in C64/C65 mode on a C65GS could in the future trigger a hypervisor trap to request that particular extensions be turned on.