BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
Bryan Parkoff wrote:
I use Internet Explorer 10.
That explains a lot. Wise owls don't use Internet Exploder. It's a lame browser that lacks W3C compliance and is a gateway for all sorts of computer diseases.Well, I choose to use Internet Explorer 10 because I use high contrast. Of course, Chrome has high contrast feature. Unfortunately, not all high contrast will work on some websites when some images such as buttons and links do not show up. Internet Explorer 10 has same problem with high contrast. It is what I need to work Visual 6502 on Internet Explorer 10 due to limited option.
I am able to reproduce decimal mode bug in Visual 6502. I am not talking about invalid N flag, V flag, and Z flag. Let me demonstrate how I can do that.
LDA #25
SBC #07
You will get the value: 1E instead of 18.
LDA #25
SBC #05
You will get correct value: 20.
I wonder why anyone claim that real 6502 chip never reproduce decimal mode bug, but Visual 6502 did show it.
I finish analyzing ALU's binary mode. I begin to study decimal mode before I will be able to explain why decimal mode has bug. I already wrote my C++ source code several years ago when I was able to reproduce bugs in both decimal mode and invalid flags.
Take care,
Bryan Parkoff