drogon wrote:
wayfarer wrote:
what is going to be my best 'value'?
What country are you in?
I am in the Midwest USA.
plasmo wrote:
wayfarer wrote:
for what I am after, something similar to one of @plasmo's board designs. an eeprom programmer that doubles as an SBC is nice.
If you live in USA, send me a PM, I can drop a blank
prog65 board in the mail. It is a simple design even with prototype area, but you do need a
FT245 which is relatively expensive ~$15
I might do that, I am also planning to look over the CF Card board you have, and see if i can get any insight into getting my PCMCIA port going, I think they are related.
I think I am just going to buy parts, Im sure the Eaterkit has some QC, I have heard horror stories about bad breadboards and cheap parts. I see breadboards on ebay for a $1 for an 830 rack, and I know some of those are $7-8 if they are a good brand. You get what you pay for. Im setting up a 'budget' of ~$100' to compare to the kit offered, so far, Im a little ahead on the cost of breadboards, and getting:
a nice TwinIndiustries 2390 point with a metal backplane and extra top rail, mounting posts etc or similar Jameco board for about $25
For wires Im looking at $15 on a generic kit, I have one or two somewhere, with a handful of Pots and a wand of 555s for circuitbending. Im getting one with an MB-102 board power supply, again I have one "somewhere" and they are really nice. The kit I am ordering will have lots of buttons to create the actual interface I want, 4 way D-Pad, 2 Main input keys and 2 extra key, this leaves a few in the kit for RESET and such.
I found a really nice 160*96 LCD 4bit greyscale "monitor" for under $15 on digikey. So far I am at about $65, and that leaves ~$30-35 for chips, oscillators and shipping.
I'll still need an eeprom flasher of some type, and may buy a dedicated unit (like with a warranty) that was built by several people better at it than me. I do not have to get one 'this month', and maybe get that module plasmo is talking about and either use it on the breadboard, or use some perfboard from one of the IC kits to wire one up.
I am in no rush. I have some time and need to do things right. I might try several variations.