Anyone is welcome to submit their projects information for posting in the non-forum part of this website, and then they won't drop down deep into the archives if they go for long periods without updates. Relevant parts of the site are:
My project pages (which you mentioned) are in the third option. Others there are André Fachat, Dallas Shell, Dieter Müeller, and Steve Gray, as you see indexed along the right edge of the front page of the site (not the forum), under "Features." I wrote up my material and sent that along with the pictures for Mike to post many years ago (and he put a lot of work into it!), long before I was an admin or moderator here, and long before I had my own website or digital camera or scanner or knew any html. Actually, the workbench computer portion in particular is in desperate need of updating [
Edit, 11/6/17:
done, on my own site, and with a lot more detail]; and I later got my own site (linked below) because it's much easier to post things and make updates that way, something I do a few times a week.
I can ask Mike what he thinks of adding a forum section for projects; but traditionally we haven't added new forum sections without a really strong reason. We keep the archives for good reason though, and I encourage everyone to browse them from time to time, sometimes without even particularly looking for anything. There's a lot of good material there. That's one of the huge benefits we have over a facebook group. Facebook seems to think nothing more than a few days old is relevant anymore, it's not searchable, and you can't do a lot of the things you can do in a phpBB forum. If you have something relevant to contribute on a particular topic you find here, go ahead and do so, even if there hasn't been any activity on it in years.
If you want to start your own website, you can probably find the help here that you need. My own site was originally hosted on an old '286 PC in our garage, meaning you don't have to have anything special. I don't know the networking stuff like our son does though, so he takes care of that for me, and he has my site hosted on a virtual server 3,000 miles from here, with upload speeds something like a thousand times what our DSL at home allowed. I just do the html, edit my pictures, post the files, etc.. The way I do it is very simple, although my site is rather voluminous and visitors download over a thousand pages a day.